Take a look at these wonderful colourful images from our most recent Rhythm In Colour workshop in Findhorn, Scotland.

A day of connection, heart expression, sound & voice, colour, playfullness, spontaneity, joy, movement, breath, nature, meditation & visualisation & tapping into our feminine energy & creative source!


“The Return to Love is not the end of life’s adventure, but the beginning.  It’s the return to who you really are.”  Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love, p 26

Join us in Glasgow on September 3rd for this unique event at The Grand Central Hotel.  Be inspired, remember what the true meaning of life is, learn about what it means to be a leader, lead a purpose driven life, be authentic, express spontaneously and creatively from the heart and BE in love with life!

Follow this link for bookings and further information: www.TheMiracleOfLove.com

Music ~ Movement ~ Colour ~ Word
Creative Workshops
For Women







16TH SEPT ~ 14TH OCT 2010



art’s complex, St Margaret’s House
151 London Rd


MUSIC will be the foundation from which we shall work in a number of ways. We take a multi-disciplinary approach to creativity, actively exploring how different creative practices can fuel and create inspiration in another.  We learn to paint sound and music in colour, we can interpret movement into pattern, colour, or image, explore colour and word and the music of words.  There will always be colour and music involved in Rhythm In Colour workshops.


Rhythm In Colour workshops are an opportunity for women to express creatively and connect with each other through creativity.  Workshops can be nurturing, calming or wild (or all three and more!).  Workshops can also be a space to release daily worries in a deeply satisfying and creative way.For Details: www.rhythmincolour.com 

Investment: (all art materials included)
5 week evening Workshop series
16th Sept – 14th Oct 2010, 7pm-9.15pm.


To Book:  E-mail/call to confirm your place.  Limited places are available so be sure to book early!

Contact: Jane by e-mail jane@janecormack.com or mobile: 07500386973

Jane Cormack has a vast and varied creative background in different creative disciplines and industries. She holds a BA honours Degree in Craft & Design, 3D Design and an MA Degree in Creative & Professional Writing.

‘Jane draws on her unique life experiences and skills which together with her deeply intuitive nature and sense of fun, allows her to create original creative experiences in her workshops for women.’

Introductory Workshop Series DONATIONS Offer

I’ve decided to do something radical by offering my 5 week Rhythm In Colour workshop series beginning on September 16th on a ‘By Donation’ basis until further notice.  If you’re wondering why I’ve decided to change my original offer to this option then there are a few reasons:

I want more women to be able to come and taste these workshops without any restrictions.

I’m going to be introducing new aspects of exploring the feminine and how you want to experience this through creativity.  I will talk further about these aspects during the workshops.

What kind of Donation?

Donation means that you pay what you can afford according to your means, but also that you genuinely offer something that balances your experience of a workshop.  For example you may offer a £5 donation because that’s all you have in your wallet, but this may not feel good to you because you deeply valued the experience.  So please offer what feels good to you rather than giving the minimum because I haven’t made a fixed cost.  I’ll be providing materials but if you would like to bring along some of your own materials to work with (paints, large paper, glitter, glue etc), then that would be welcomed.

I ask that you commit to coming to all 5 workshops as these are a series.  I do need to know in advance who is attending so that I can set up the room accordingly and so that we can have a continued connection throughout the series.  Attending for all 5 weeks will allow you to move deeper into your creative expression and create more meaningful connections with others. 
A weekly donation is recommended.


There is a limit of only 12 places per workshop/series so be sure to book your place in advance.